Urs Mattmann

Born in Switzerland, 1960

in civil partnership

Lives since 2005 in London, UK



  • Business Diploma
  • Diploma in Social work 
  • 2-year study of theology
  • 5- year training in Psychosynthesis (transpersonal Psychology) with Diploma as Psychosynthesis Counsellor & Therapist
  • Training for a certificate in transpersonal & integrative supervision at Psychosynthesis & Education Trust and University of East London

Employment & activities 

  • 1978 – 1980 Business man
  • 1980 - 1981 Volunteer work in social care in USA
  • 1988 – 2005 Employed in Verein Friedensgasse; Working and living in solidarity with men and women in a difficult life situation (often with severe mental health problems)
  • 1991 – 2000 Founder and president of an ecumenical LGB church group
  • 1997 – 2005 Service manager and member of the board of directors Verein Friedensgasse
  • 1997 – 2005 Founder and director of C-QUEER – Gays & Lesbians in Christian Spirituality
  • Since 1997 facilitation of retreats and seminars.   
  • Since 2000 Counselling and Therapy with individual clients and facilitation of meditation groups
  • 2005-2006 Service manager of  St Luke’s Second Stage Drug rehab (part of West London Mission) till project closed.
  • 2007 to 2019: Engagement in St Peter’s Centre for Meditation and Peace
  • 2006 to 2010: Senior Practitioner at the Alcohol Resource Centre and the Westminster Community Alcohol Service
  • 2010 to 2016: Counselling Service Coordinator at the Westminster Drug & Alcohol Service
  • 2016 to 2019: Psychological Interventions Practice Lead at The Alcohol Service (Tri Boroughs, London)
  • Since 2020 Senior Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Spiritual director and Retreat facilitator at Holy Rood House, Thirsk, North Yorkshire 


  • 1996 Chapter with Emanuel Grassi in „Kraftvoll einkehren; Eckpfeiler für eine Kirche der Zukunft“ (Pierre & Catherine Brunner Dubey, Rex Verlag)
  • 2004 „Coming In – Schwule und Lesben gehen ihren spirituellen Weg“; Kösel Verlag
  • 2006 „Coming In – Gays and Lesbians reclaiming the spiritual journey” Wild Goose Publications
  • 2010 Chapter in „The Good Retreat Guide, 6th Edition“ (Stafford Whiteaker, Hay House)
  • 2023 Chapter in "Willing To Love – Stories of a Couple's journey as a path of transformation" (Ed. Anne Yeomans)



German, English and French (basic/intermediate)