The idea was born in 1982: A small group of idealists moved in with each other and formed a community. They intended to live in solidarity with disadvantaged men and women and to cultivate a
place of hospitality.
Out of this initiative the Kommunitaet Friedensgasse (Peace Alley: the actual name of the street where the main community was situated), an ecumenical community was started. This community became
active in the social care sector in Basel. In this time many ideas and visions for a more human world were developed. To put this into practice the Solidarity Fund was founded as a non-profit
charity. Out of this fund various social projects and activities were financed.
In accordance with the statutes of the charity, a wide variety of people in crisis situations could be supported. In addtion, many new projects (link) have been initiated and supported in
Switzerland as well as in other parts of the world.
The Solidarity Fund has a small core capital that enables it to fulfill its purpose at the service of humanity and the world.